Sunday, March 22, 2009

Raised Garden Beds Under Construction

Today we got the materials to build the raised garden beds I referred to in the last post plus enough extra to make 4 smaller planter sized beds for pumpkin and potatoes. We were able to get the 4 large boxes assembled and placed where we want them to be per the plan I created in The others will get assembled Thursday or Friday. I'll figure out how much soil I need to fill the beds and get that ordered tomorrow or Tuesday and arrange to have it delivered around the weather forecast. It is supposed to rain Tuesday and Wednesday and then the yard will have to dry out before delivery or it will tear up the rest of the yard.

In the meantime I will continue to attend to the seedlings I have started and resist the temptation to plant too many things too early.

1 comment:

  1. You might be interested in a new book about water-wise gardening, written by 2 local horticulturalists at NC State University. Rain Gardening in the South: Ecologically Designed Gardens for Drought, Deluge & Everything in Between is a how-to guide for home gardeners, covering design, installation and care taking of rain gardens in the southern region of the US. Rain gardens are a way to both harvest rain water and curb pollution in public waterways. Extensive plant lists, lovely photos, detailed diagrams and information about gardening in southern climates are all part of this useful resource, available in bookstores or at
