Saturday, March 7, 2009

My OH My What a Wonderful Day!

In the course of a week we have moved from freezing temps and show to almost 80 degrees F. What an amazing, beautiful day! I planted a mescalin mix, radishes and swiss chard in the front flower bed in the spaces between the bushes and bulbs. It is a nice sunny spot and I am hoping that we will have many good salads from this area.

I'll be putting together the new raised beds that will expand my garden in the next week or so. I hope to grow enough food to substantially supplement our supply of fresh vegetables. This in turn should lower our grocery bill and keep us healthier. Now that would be a Victory!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Seedlings Survive with No Heat

Summer Squash Black Beauty
Super seedlings

I was afraid that all the seedlings would be damaged during the 10 hour power outage earlier in the week, but it appears that the opposite is true. It is almost as though that blast of cold weather put everything into grow mode. The first two photos are the most recent. They have huge stalks and hefty roots. I will probably need to transplant these guys into larger containers really soon. I can hardly wait to place them in my Carolina Victory Garden.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

From Sci Fi Creature to Squash

Alien or Squash sprout Here are a couple of interesting seedlings as they looked on Friday of last week. They are small but interesting. The seedling above reminds me of a sci-fi creature...a dinosaur maybe? The fellow below looks like it needs to pop its top. What do you think they look like?

Squash seedling

Monday, March 2, 2009

Individual Snow Flakes in the Victory Garden

I was able to stop the motion on the snow as it was falling last night. Unfortunately I couldn't get the individual flakes up close. We lost power during the storm last night and it did not come back on until around 7:30 am. I was afraid that the seedlings would be damaged by the cool temperatures, but instead they seemed to thrive.

Garden after a Late Winter Storm

We got caught in the late winter storm that blanketed the eastern US this weekend. After 2 days of rain, we received 4 inches of snow. The snow was pretty on the ground and in the trees. It is supposed to warm up considerably by the end of the week. Spring may be right around the corner! Use your imagination to see three more raised beds in this area full of beautiful veggies!