Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Blog Site for Carolina Victory Garden

Adventures in a Carolina Victory Garden is moving to a new site. I would be most pleased if you would follow me and the blog to Carolina Victory Garden . I hope to see you there soon. In the meantime, I wish you Victory in your growing season.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Some Cool Weather Vegetables Planted

Now that I have soil I can hardly wait to take advantage of all the room I now have for vegetables. I have planted some mescalin mix in the front flower bed as well as some Swiss chard and a few radishes. Some of the salad mix and spinach I planted last fall has come up with the mild spring weather and the rains. I have added more salad mix, radishes and spinach in the old bed.

Yesterday I planted one of the small beds in the front with sugar pumpkins and borage. I had hoped to get some chiogga beets and a few other things but I ran out of time. Today the temperature has dropped about 30 degrees and it has started raining again. It's to be in the 50's for the next few days so if it will dry out, I'll get busy planting a few more cool things. I'll wait for a week or two to plant the vegetables that prefer a warmer temperature.