Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finally Dirt!

New garden boxes

I was beginning to think that my career as a Victory gardener was to be short lived. We have had a good bit of rain the last few weeks since the raised beds were built and the ground was not drying out in between. The rain finally stopped Thursday night and the wind blew all day yesterday really hard so things dried out a little faster than usual so I took a chance and ordered a 50/50 top soil and compost mix. Several hours of moving dirt later and now we are ready to plant. Here's a picture of part of the new beds before we filled them with dirt. There are four beds that are 12 ft by 3 ft and four beds that are 3 ft by 3 ft. I thought the smaller beds would be good for potatoes and pumpkin. We'll see.

I won't be in a huge hurry though. I understand that there is more rain on the way, which is good, but it is to be followed by cooler temperatures so I will be cautious about what I plant for another week or two. Local wisdom says that the last frost is around the middle of the month. that does vary, but I'll use this as my point of reference for this year.

What about you? What are you planting in your garden right now?


  1. Your raised beds look great!

    After you fill them with your soil mix, allocate some of your space to some really quick greens (lettuce and mustards) and then the rest you can plant with warm season vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, and beans, etc).

    And then plan to change out some space for fall crops of cool-season veggies (from late July to early September), depending on the vegetable.

    Have fun!


  2. Thanks! I still have the smaller bed from last year and have planted salad mixes of three varieties and spinach. I also planted mescalin mix and chard in the front flower beds under the bushes so we should have plenty of salad.

    I'll work on the cool season stuff a little later.
