Saturday, February 28, 2009

Daffodils and other Spring bulbs

Originally uploaded by Dominic's pics
My mother-in-law loved flowers that grew from bulbs. Every year she added more bulbs to her large yard for many, many years. Every few years she would dig them up, separate them and share with others. This year we dug up part of the bulb field without her for the first time. Now some of her bulbs are in our yard and those of my neighbors so that each spring her memory will be fresh with the beauty of Spring.

Photo by Dominic's Pics

Monday, February 23, 2009

Planting the Unfamiliar

I am anticipating the harvest time even before everything is in the ground. There are some vegetables I have never grown before and I am intrigued by how they will grow. I have never grown or cooked Kohlrabi before though I remember my grandfather growing it. I'll be searching for some recipes for this interesting veggie.

I am also planting Kale and Swiss Chard mainly due to blog posts from Skippy's Vegetable Garden. Kathy shared many lovely photos of these two vegetables. I decided to plant some for my family as well. I have one variety of Kale and two of Swiss Chard for this season. I am looking forward to experimenting with other varieties as time goes on.

Any thoughts on how to prepare Kohlrabi, Kale or Swiss Chard?

Photo by

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Planting the Second Seed Tray

I planted my second see tray this afternoon. The process went a lot smoother this time. Practice makes perfect. I figured out how to label the rows of seedlings and still get the dome on the tray this time. I made the mistake of shifting the seed packets from the first tray and now I am unsure of the order the seeds were planted in. I suppose I will find out this spring when the plants get bigger.

I figure by the time this batch gets ready to plant, it should be just about the right time to plant everything. I am excited to get the new raised beds put together so that I can plant all the seeds and seedlings I have planned for the garden. Think warm thoughts!